Mortgage Loans
Whether you are purchasing your first home or your sixth, our team of mortgage experts will guide and support you through the process. We can also assist in refinancing your current home, whether you are looking to get cash out or lower your current rate. After reviewing your application, we will determine which loan program works best for you. We offer conventional, USDA Rural Development, FHA and VA loans.
Some things you will need when applying for a mortgage are:
For the last 2 years:
Addresses of residence
Employer’s name/address/phone #’s
Income source & amounts
Last 2 years of federal tax returns (include all schedules W-2’s, 1099’s, K-1’s)
If you are self-employed:
Last 2 years of personal federal tax returns (include all schedules, W-2’s, 1099’s, K-1’s)
Last 2 years of corporate and/or partnership tax returns (include all schedules and K-1’s)
Information of assets/liabilities:
Three most recent paystubs
Last 2 months of bank statements on ALL accounts (EXCEPT Fisher National Bank accounts)
Most recent mortgage statement - refinance only
Market value of real estate owned
IRA, 401K and pension plan statements
Account numbers and payment amounts on ALL loans
Account numbers, minimum payment amounts and balances on ALL credit cards
Child support amount - payments/income
Copy of Divorce Decree or any other court recorded Child Support agreements
Bankruptcy discharge papers and list of creditors